Friday 13 March 2020

Important: Cancellation of the VCCP due to the global health emergency

Dear participants (portuguese text below),

On behalf of the VCCP organizing committee, we regret to inform you that due to the progression of the emergency related to the COVID-19 worldwide, we decided to cancel the conference.
Until March 11th, the situation in Brazil was apparently safe, so we did not have any reason for cancelling. In any case, our priority was the safety of the participants, so we have been constantly monitoring the changes.
With the evolving circumstances, we have been facing a very uncertain situation, with contradictory information, and the Brazilian funding agency CAPES did not allowed us to cancel the event without any sanction.
Today, it seems that several institutions, including the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), have become aware of the raising problems and we have been allowed to cancel the event. Many countries are limiting travels and air companies are cancelling flights.
Virginia Dazzani, as the project coordinator, had to face an enormous pressure and responsibility that must be fully acknowledged by our entire community.
We are aware that some of you may experience problems or financial issues due to the late cancellation, and we deeply apologize for any possible inconvenient. We have done our best to offer you both a high level scientific event and a safe participation.
We want to express once again our gratitude to you all for being so proactive in joining our conference and we hope that in the next future we can create new opportunities of scientific exchange. Please, also notified your co-authors.
Our commitment is to not disperse the work all of you have produced so far.

The organizing committee
Prezadas e prezados participantes,

Em nome do comitê organizador do VCCP, lamentamos informar que, devido à progressão da emergência relacionada à COVID-19 em todo o mundo, decidimos cancelar a conferência.
Até 11 de março, a situação no Brasil era aparentemente segura, portanto não tínhamos nenhuma razão para cancelar o evento. A nossa prioridade era a segurança dos participantes e por isso estivemos atentos e acompanhando dia a dia as notícias em todo o mundo.
Com a evolução das circunstâncias, temos enfrentado uma situação muito incerta, com informações contraditórias, e a agência financiadora brasileira CAPES não nos permitiu cancelar o evento sem qualquer sanção.
Hoje, parece que várias instituições, incluindo a Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), tomaram consciência dos problemas levantados e fomos autorizados e orientados a cancelar o evento. Muitos países estão limitando as viagens e as companhias aéreas estão cancelando seus voos.
Estamos cientes de que alguns de vocês podem ter problemas ou problemas financeiros devido ao cancelamento tardio, e pedimos desculpas profundamente por qualquer possível inconveniente. Fizemos o nosso melhor para oferecer um evento científico de alto nível e uma participação segura. 
Queremos expressar mais uma vez a nossa gratidão a todas e todos vocês por serem tão proativos em participar de nossa conferência e esperamos que no próximo futuro possamos criar novas oportunidades de intercâmbio científico. O nosso compromisso é não dispersar o trabalho que todas e todos vocês produziram até agora.

Thursday 27 February 2020

The program of the V International Conference on Cultural Psychology

V International Conference on Cultural Psychology
V Seminário Internacional de Psicologia Cultural

Hotel Portobello Ondina, Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil, 26-27 March 2020

Program (updated March 1st February, 2020)

Important instructions for presenters:
·        Each presentation has a time limit of 15 minutes. The sessions are coordinated by a chair, who keeps the time and facilitate the discussion. 
·        Please be in the assigned room 5 minutes before the starting time to upload you presentation.
·        For presentation in languages different than English, please remember to provide a printed text with the English translation and/or slides in English.

Note: in this synthetic version of the program, only first authors are listed.  

23-25 March
Federal University of Bahia

Thursday March 26
Arrival and registration
Room Ondina II
Official opening: Virginia Dazzani, Sergio Luíz Costa Ferreira, Ilka Bichara, Pina Marsico, Luca Tateo
Room Ondina II
Round table presentation of the book "Nascer nao é igual para todas as pessoas" Ana Cecília Bastos, Vívian Volkmer, Nandita Chaudhary, Jaan Valsiner and Marcio Santana
Room Ondina II
Lecture: Jaan Valsiner, Richness of poverty and the misery of psychology
Session 1
Room Ondina II
Chair Livia Simao
Ana Luiza de França Sá
New meanings for Education: Cultural Psychology contributions
Renata Meira Veras
Institutional Ethnography as an approach to understanding everyday life
Lais Souto
Trajetórias de escolarização marcadas pela experiência de queixa escolar em estudantes do Ensino Fundamental
Vanessa Santamalvina dos Santos
Construindo futuros possíveis: As dinâmicas afetivo-semióticas de um grupo de meninas da Educação Integral
Lisseth Barra
Universidad del Desarrollo
Schooling Process in Children with a Preterm Birth Background. Case Study from the Cultural Perspective of Development.
Room Ondina I
Chair Maria Lyra
Adrielle Matos
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Tensões subjetivas e culturais na experiência identitária de ser um estudante universitário negro
Ana Urpia
In the "words-images" of quilombola women, narrative resistances interrupt the historical pact of silencing
Márcio Nunes de Abreu
About “Pardos” And Afro-Convenience: Anitta’s Case Through the Lenses of Affective Logic
Teppei Tsuchimoto
Ritsumeikan University
Examining Collective Culture Within Personal Culture: An Example of Auto-TEM
Dionis Soares de Souza
Trajetórias Escolares de Estudantes Pertencentes às Camadas Populares sob Condição de Pobreza: Uma Análise Multidimensional através da Perspectiva da Psicologia Semiótico-Cultural
Room Taperapua
Chair Luca Tateo
Taciana Feitosa De Melo Breckenfeld
Processos imaginativos de estagiária sobre a experiência de intervenção em psicologia clínica
Gessivânia de Moura Batista
Processos imaginativos investigados à luz dos conceitos de Gegenstand, resistência e
Tatiana Valerio
O signo dependência e o processo de rotação na dinâmica de resistência e direcionalidade: processos imaginativos no planejamento de uma aula
Tatiana Valério
Escolha do instrumento musical em contextos específicos
João Tenório da Silva
The role of remembrance in the meaning-making of organic functions in Chemistry
Lunch Break
Room Ondina II
Lecture: Marcelo Farias, Human geography and poverty, UEFS
Room Ondina II
Lecture: José Eduardo Ferreira Santos, Etnografia pitanga
Session 2: 26 March
Room Ondina II
Chair Danilo Guimaraes
Fernanda Mota Pereira
Teaching with Social, Racial, and Gender Matters in Mind
Gisele Dias de Oliveira Carneiro
The supervised internship on the English Teacher Major at UFBA: A relevant tool to decolonizing teaching practices
Maria Barreto do Carmo
Studies on Contemporaneity: a teaching-learning experience in a decolonial perspective
Renata Meira Veras
Democratization of access to higher education and social justice: challenges and possibilities in initial teacher education courses
Daiane da Luz Silva
Decolonial perceptions in the teacher education courses curriculum
Room Ondina I
Chair Maria Claudia Oliveira
Alan Souza Pereira Silva
Semiotic processes of students in transition to stricto sensu postgraduate
Fernanda Pimentel Faria de Miranda
UnB and IFG
Chronotopic dynamics: Time-spaces orientation in identity production in High School transition
Ayla Galvão
Future for what? The construction of life projects and temporality in youth.
Rayane Chagas Silva
Aproximações da Psicologia Cultural no estudo de uma autista na transição para a adolescência
Nathaly Ferreira-Novaes
A experiência musical face a ruptura-transição: investigando o self dialógico através da rememoração
Room Taperapua
Chair Vivian Volkmer
Rennan Cavalcante Raffaele
Dialogism and intersubjectivity: a relationship between autism and digital games
Francielly de Oliveira Müller Lima
Vivências dialógicas na formação de psicólogos: Ressignificação de si no contexto de Grupo de Encontro.
Sofia Sorokina
School of Anthropology of the Future, RANEPA
Moscow State University
Dialogism as a principle of methodology of psychology
Angela Branco
Moral development within school contexts: the promotion of autonomy and democratic values by the coconstruction of a dialogical framework
Marco Aurélio Benevides de Pinho
Construção de significados na trajetória de vida de uma empreendedora sob a
perspectiva da Psicologia Cultural Semiótica
Friday March 27
Room Ondina II
Lecture: Marilena Ristum, Violência Escolar e Contextos de Pobreza
Room Ondina II
Lecture Nandita Chaudhary, Unexamined lives: Addressing Psychology’s systematic avoidance of people living with poverty
Room Ondina II
Lecture Paul Rhodes, Decolonising Australian Clinical Psychology: Interiority, Place and Kin
Session 3
Room Ondina II
Chair Elsa De Mattos
Beatriz de Paula Batista El Khouri
Between controlling the danger and protecting the other: an idiographic study in a youth detention center
Eliseu de Oliveira Cunha
Youth criminal involvement: a semiotic-cultural reading/Envolvimento criminal juvenil: uma leitura semiótico-cultural
Milena Nunes de Almeida
Ações de cuidado e prevenção ao suicídio em indígenas no distrito sanitário especial indígena araguaia
Julie Gomes Cruz
Tensões e ambivalência no comportamento de automutilação em estudantes adolescentes
Aila Nunes
Tornando-se mãe de gêmeas prematuras - Uma perspectiva autoetnográfica
Room Ondina I
Chair Paul Rhodes
Pablo Fossa
Universidad del Desarrollo
Creativity and Resistance: The liminal space of social change
Cristian Parellada
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Prolepsis y construcción del territorio nacional a través de los mapas escolares
María Elisa Molina
Universidad del Desarrollo
The fragility of normality: The Chilean social crisis and how to recover everyday life.
Kleber Ferreira Nigro
The “Oz Guarani” group: anti-colonial indigenous rap
Kleysso do Espirito Santo Freire
Psychic suffering in University students: An analysis from the semiotic cultural psychology
Room Taperapua
Chair Marina Pinheiro
Monica Souza Neves-Pereira
The social dimension of research: building bridges between the academy and society
Hallana Fernandes
Creative imagination in childhood through play: initial approximations with a Waldorf School
in the backland 3 of Várzea da Roça, Bahia.
Asdrúbal Borges Formiga Sobrinho
A Cultural Approach of Creativity with Focus on Purpose and Uniqueness
Nathalia Albuquerque da Silva
How are metaphors born in Brazilian Northeast poetry? - a study on cultural and dialogical psychology of the creative
Jacqueline Cagliari
Creative processes in the context of mental health: perspective of the psychologist who works with therapeutic workshops
Lunch break
Room Ondina II
Lecture Tatsuya Sato, Trajectory Equifinality Approach as an innovative tool for the semiotic cultural psychology
Session 4
15.15 -16.45
Room Ondina II
Chair Angela Branco
Patricia do Vale Zucoloto
Significados da queixa escolar medicalizada em uma escola pública de Salvador-BA- Brasil
Angelica García Zapata
University of Concepción. Chile, Catholic University of Pereira-Colombia
Socio-emotional interactions in collaborative learning: an analysis from semiotic cultural psychology
Gabriela Di Gesú
Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
A cultural semiotic view of the developmental dynamics of student engagement in higher education
Rafaella Eloy de Novaes
Cultural-Semiotic Psychology and the impact of the diversity of developmental trajectories in the context of Higher Education
15.15 -16.45
Room Ondina I
Chair Marcio Santana and Ana Cecilia Bastos
Cristiana Kaipper Dias
Transgenerity and school: contributions of cultural psychology of education
Leonardo Leite da Rocha
Being transgender and student: a theoretical analysis of educational self dynamics of trans people
João Florentino Cunha
Ethnography of identity construction of asexual adolescents in virtual communities
Carina Borgatti Moura
Gender, education and culture: improving the dialogue between Queer Theory and Dialogical
Self Theory
Sara Santos Chaves
The meaning of life for terminally ill cancer patients
15.15 -16.45
Room Taperapua
Chair Pina Marsico
Mariana Bentz Aguiar
Meaning making and feelings: the trajectory of a self-harming adolescent girl
Marina Assis Pinheiro
Fiction and creativity: A dialogical approach
Elsa Mattos
The dynamics of internal and external voices in self-imaging
César da Silva Oliveira
Dynamics of dialogue between researcher and participant: the case of a homeless person
Room Ondina II
Closing event: Pocket show tú et moi, com Isadora Sebadelhe e Boni Sobrinho
Room Ondina II
Closing: Pina Marsico, Virginia Dazzani, Patrícia Zucoloto